Author Submission Guidelines

Books by the Banks is currently accepting authors’ submissions to participate in the 2024 festival.

Please read all of the following information before completing the online form and submitting a book.

When should a book be submitted?

Books should be submitted before August 16, 2024.

How is a book considered?

Due to funding, seating, and scheduling limitations, the selection process is very competitive. Priority is given to the following genres:

  • Fiction
  • Narrative nonfiction – including history, biography and memoir
  • Cookbooks and food-related titles
  • Children’s literature
  • Teen literature
  • Regional history and interest
  • Graphic novels

Other genres may be considered as space is available and upon the discretion of the Author Selection Team.

To be considered, books must:

  • Be available to Joseph-Beth Booksellers through regular distribution procedures, which include:
    • The book must be 100% returnable
    • The book must be eligible for a full discount (at least a standard 40% trade discount)
  • Have an ISBN and a bar code
  • Be published through a publishing house, independent or university press

In addition, books published between November 2023 and now will receive first consideration.

Should a self-published author apply?

Self-published titles are infrequently accepted as space is available. Self-published titles are defined as books that are published by:

  • A vanity or joint venture press
  • A subsidy publisher
  • A print-on-demand service
  • The author of the book

Self-published titles must:

  • Be written by a regional author (OH, KY, IN)
  • Have been professionally edited
  • Be available to our bookseller through their regular distributors

Is there a required form to complete?

Yes! To be considered for this year’s Festival, complete this online form and submit a head shot or publicity photo, book cover (jpg, gif or png required) and press kit (press release, professional resume, reviews, etc.).

What else is needed?

Please send or have your publicist send the following:

  • One copy of a finished book or ARC
  • Physical review copies can be sent to Cincinnati-Hamilton County Public Library, ATTN: Books by the Banks Author Team, 1130 Findlay Street, Cincinnati OH, 45214.
  • Please submit a NetGalley, Edelweiss or other link to a digital copy via the submission form.

All materials become the property of the Books by the Banks and cannot be returned.

Applications received after the deadline may not be considered.  Incomplete applications or applications that do not meet the submission guidelines will not be considered.

When will authors be contacted about participating in the Festival?

Authors will be notified of acceptance to the festival on a rolling basis from May 1 to August 31.

Due to the large volume of submissions received, the Author Team is unable to provide updates on the status of individual applications.

What are the expectations of authors, if selected?

  • All participants are expected to be available to sign books from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., unless arranged in advance with Festival organizers
  • Anyone participating in the Festival must be comfortable with crowds and mingling with the public and the media
  • Some participating authors may be invited to present a reading or participate in a panel discussion or activity

Are authors paid?

No. Due to limited funds, Books by the Banks is unable to cover travel expenses or pay honorarium to most presenters. By submitting an application, you are indicating that you or your publisher will pay for your Festival-related expenses.

Who decides which authors are invited?

The Books by the Banks Author Selection Team is comprised of book professionals from the Cincinnati region. The teams are responsible for creating a festival with a roster of authors that blends genres, audiences, age ranges and interests. The Team chooses books based on author submissions and by inviting authors who did not apply, but whose presence would enhance the Festival.

Begin Application Form

The Author Selection Team reserve the right to accept or reject any publication submitted, at their sole discretion. All decisions are final and are not subject to review.